Thursday, October 08, 2009

The Gorge

My first watercolour in a long while. I had great plans to record my trip to Central Australia in lots of paintings... and I did think, that by now, I would have plenty to show.However it was not to be and all I have managed to produce so far is this small least it is a start!


JJ said...

Sandy, this is a lovely watercolour. Don't feel bad, I have been in Englad for a week and a half and still haven't started my sketchbook journal. :(

Sandy said...

Hi JJ Great to hear from you! Thank you for your support.
I think you would be very busy... and by the time you found time to get to your sketch book journal, you would be feeling pretty weary...take as many photos as you can.
Enjoy your wonderful trip ...I am following you on Facebook!

Sandy Maudlin said...

Wow! Such glorious colors make me really want to se this beautiful place. Glad you're working with watercolors cause you are so good at it.

Sandy said...

Thank you Sandy...I really need to get back into things ...after such a long break I feel pretty rusty.
There are many beautiful areas in Australia ,but the 'red centre' is particularly interesting, very beautiful, full of ancient history and so amazingly different to the coastal regions.

Nick said...

Nice Sandy, makes me wonder what you might do in the Blue Grotto, Capri.

Sandy said...

Nick, I am just playing about with these small paintings...I don't really know what I want to do with all the information yet. The gorges and the chasms are particularly dramatic and full of changing much to think about.